Woyo... woyo...
Meh throwback jaman nulis skripsi mbiyen wae. Ambil jurusan pendidikan tapi
skripsine nge-riset tentang karya sastra. Saya memang tidak mengambil PTK
(Penelitian Tindakan Kelas), karena progdi (program study) saya dulu menawarkan
dua pilihan Thesis of Literature atau Thesis of English Education. Sejak mengenal
beberapa mata kuliah dalam jurusan, saya sangat menyukai bagian mata kuliah literature,
history and philosophy. Maka saya mengambil riset tentang literature. Saya
memilih sebuah novel yaitu Veil of Roses, agak lupa kenapa dulu
mengambil novel ini dan bukan novel klasik .
Disini saya
meneliti novel Veil of Roses dengan pendekatan teori dari Alfred Adler
yaitu An Individual Psychological Approach. Saya tertarik untuk membedah
personal character dari setiap tokoh di novel ini (kayak belajar psikologi). Menurut
saya, novel ini ada pro dan kontranya karena berlatar belakang dua kebudayaan
yang sangat berbeda.
Draft research
paper organization saya pada dasarnya sama dengan yang lainnya. Seperti, The
first chapter is Introduction; Background of the Study; Previous Study; Problem
Statement; Limitation of the Study; Objective of the Study; Benefit of the
Study; Research Method Paper Organization. The second chapter comprises the Underlying
Theory, which presents notion of Individual Psychological; the Sturcture of
Personality and Theoritical Application. The third chapter is Structural Analysis
: Characterization; Setting; Plot; Point of View; Style and Theme. The fourth
chapter is the theory consists of six basic principles of Individual
Psychological Approach namely Fictional Finalism; Inferiority Feeling; Striving
for Superiority; Style of Live; Social Interest and Creative of Power-self. The
last chapter is Conclusion; Suggestion and Pedagogical Implication.
Synopsis Veil
of Roses Novel
The synopsis of
Veil of Roses novel tells about an Iranian girl who leaves her country
and moves to America for her independence and better life. The major character
is Tamila Soroush. She wants a freedom but in the Islamic Republic of Iran,
freedom is dangerous thing for a girl. She abandons her freedom until her
twenty seventh birthday, when her parents give her a one way ticket to America,
hoping she will “go and wake up her luck”. Tami has a three month visa. The sole
purpose of her trip is to find a way to stay and that means she must find a
husband who will sponsor her application for residency. The choice is marriage in
Iran or marriage in America. Three month before she’s sent back to Iran. Tamila
has many experiences in America. She pursues her passion for photography, she
even captures her adventures on film. She must concede to an arrange marriage before
her visa expires. To complicate matters, her friendship with Ike, a young man. It
is in her English as a second language course that Tami finds many friends. Her
friends are Eva, loyal Nadia, Agata and Josef. The encouragements are
headstrong from her friends who are carving out a love storyof their own,
perhaps Tami can keep wish a better life.
The author of Veil
of Roses novel is Laura Fitzgerald. She
is married by America man and divides her time between Arizona and Wisconsin. She
has a child Carly who she want dedication her book to him and proves to her
child once for all that she (Laura Fitzgerald) really is writer. For more of
her writing. She was dedicated to the woman of Iran, Farhad, Duset Daram and
Farhad Joon. Many appreciation from society and other author to Laura
Fitzgerald at her novel Veil of Roses, on of all Kirkus Reviews said
that novel is romantic fish out of water debut with a feminist undertone and
Alesia Holliday author of Seven Ways to Lose Your Lover said that evocative,
poignant and truly lovely.
Cara belajar
bahasa inggris saya dulu dengan baca novel karya sastra klasik (english
version) dan menyiapkan kamus (google translate yen pengen cepet), yen saiki wis
suwe ora moco dadine kosakatane wis agak ilang 😌😌😌.
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